Monday, September 19, 2011

Back to Reality 241-262/365

Ohhh heyyyy blog, nice to see you again...getting a little dusty, are we?  Sorry about that, folks...I hate to say it but I'm still trying to be a better blogger, and still failing.
I do have some good excuses this time though! I moved back to school from my parents' house and was without internet for nearly 3 weeks. I've also jumped head first into the world of teaching 2nd grade--being at school from 8-4 every day is rough after such a lazy summer! I now go to bed around 10, and continue to drag myself out of bed around 6:45 every morning. I don't know if I'll ever get used to this--have I mentioned I'm so not a morning person? It takes a lot of caffeine to get this girl goin'!
But enough of my's some photos! And I apologize again, but I've been slacking on taking a photo a day, so I'll just fill in my holes with photos from a few key days.

Day 241 of 365 (8/29)
Fresh paint, fresh coffee. 

Day 242 of 365 (8/30)
Boredom wins. 

Day 243 of 365 (8/31)
School supplies.

Day 244 of 365 (9/1)
Wish upon a star.

Day 245 of 365 (9/2)
Sweet love.

Day 246 of 365 (9/3)

My Andy, the artist.

Day 247 of 365 (9/4)


Day 248 of 365 (9/5)
Love & Sunshine.

Day 249 of 365 (9/6)
See that "Welcome" board? Yeah, I stapled all of that. 

Day 250 of 365 (9/7)
First day of school! 

Day 251 of 365 (9/8)
Taco salad at the rehearsal dinner.

Day 252 of 365 (9/9)
Bridal party spa day.

Day 253 of 365 (9/10)  *Disclaimer: I didn't take a single new picture after this the next 9 days are actually all wedding day pictures. Enjoy them nonetheless!
Bridesmaid bags! [9.10.11 was wedding day!]

Day 254 of 365 (9/11)
The wedding go-bag, better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. 

Day 255 of 365 (9/12)

Day 256 of 365 (9/13)

Day 257 of 365 (9/14)
Bridesmaid bouquets. 

Day 258 of 365 (9/15)
Gold shoes!

Day 259 of 365 (9/16)
Primping and prepping. 

Day 260 of 365 (9/17)
The Bride!

Day 261 of 365 (9/18)

Day 262 of 365 (9/19)
Dancin' with my Andy.