Friday, April 29, 2011

Day to Day 115, 116 & 117/365

Well, aside from the math test on Monday, this week was pretty low key (for once). However, now I'm in for it next week with another lesson to write and teach, and an essay about utopia...riiiight, about that...(I have no idea what I'm going to say).  Anyway...let's get to the photos...

Day 115 of 365...(Wed. 4/27)

Math class. 
I swear, we're like a bunch of kindergarteners when we have's a little ridiculous...but so much fun.

Day 116 of 365...(Thurs. 4/28)

Maddie was being an Indian-Pirate...nice. Also, that's the new Barbie she got for her birthday...and she sparkles! ;) 

Day 117 of 365...(Today)

Looks like I have a cookie monster on my hands too (good thing I happen to love this one).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Flowers Growing From a Toilet 113 & 114/365

Well, the math midterm was...a math midterm. It was bit of a struggle, but I don't think I did too bad...we'll see.  I forgot how much I loathe algebra...really and truly loathe it. 

Day 113 of 365...

Mmm...Andy and I made fajitas on Monday night and they were oh-so-good.
My main contribution: the guac. :)

Day 114 of 365...

I'm not really sure what to say about this...
It appeared on campus today and it was just way too bizarre to not take a photo. 

I can't believe this quarter is already half feels like it just started! Which, I suppose, is a good thing--however, I still have so much stuff to do in my classes and I'm not really sure how it's all going to go down... Yikes!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Catching Up 108, 109, 110, 111 & 112/365

I'm not even going to try to make excuses this time, you all know I'm lazy and busy. It can  be really a bad combination.  Well, like I always say, at least I'm still taking pictures! Even if I'm not posting them.

Day 108 of 365...(Wed. 4/20)

Okay, so this photo is horribly and embarrassingly blurry and for that I'm very sorry-it was late and I was struggling to find a photo for Wednesday. This is another example of my extreme need for organization--I put all of the materials for my lesson on Wed. into envelopes labeled by the table group they were for. Nice. 

Day 109 of 365...(Thurs. 4/21)

Bham graffiti. 

Day 110 of 365...(Fri. 4/22)

Pirating around with the know, the usual Friday night festivities.

Day 111 of 365...(Sat. 4/23)

Farmer's Market with my Andy :) 
It was such a beautiful, sunny day! And it was actually pretty warm--minus the wind chill. 
It's about time we got some sun around here!

Day 112 of 365...(Today)

Hoppy Easter! ;)
Alright, I admit it, I didn't make of my roommates did...but I did eat one! And I'll definitely be eating yummy.

Math midterm tomorrow...yikes! At least I'm not the lead teacher in science this week, that would be super stressful! As if math midterms aren't bad enough on their own... 
Back to studying. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My "Linear-Sequential" Life 103, 104, 105, 106, & 107/365

I know, I keep swearing that I'll stop this missing-five-days-in-a-row business...but sometimes I just can't help it. Well, okay, sometimes I'm really lazy, but mostly I'm busy! The last week and a half have been a little insane...I'll be glad when it's Friday!

I did manage to finish out the week of purple photos! Hey, at least I still take pictures every day, even if I don't post them.

Day 103 of 365...(Fri. 4/15)

Purple coffee cup=purple life saver.

Day 104 of 365...(Sat. 4/16)

Do I even need to say anything? 
(I was mod-podging with magazine clippings when I found this).

Day 105 of 365...(Sun. 4/17)

Please notice the purple ink :)
These are my note cards for the science lesson my group did on Monday (which went great, again--love this group). 

Day 106 of 365...(Mon. 4/18)

My planner...this isn't even as crazy as it's exploding with Post-It notes by finals week. 
Anal retentive, you say? 
I prefer "linear sequential," thank you.

Day 107 of 365...(Today)

I don't know if I should really be posting kind of just brings my incredible organization with schoolwork to light. Neurotic? Well, okay, maybe a little. 
I did color-code the 9-page science lesson plan I wrote for tomorrow...

It's my first solo lesson tomorrow...ohhh boyyy...I am definitely nervous about this...even though my group will be there to back me up, and it's not like the kids are difficult.  I'll probably have nightmares about my lesson going horribly wrong--teacher nightmares, they're already starting.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Handful of Purple 101 & 102/365

This week is flying by--always a good thing--I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday! I'm ready for the weekend. 
Well, I went a little bit out of the box with my purple pictures for yesterday and today, so be excited...

Day 101 of 365...(Wed. 4/13)

I found the end of the rainbow! Well, okay, I saw the end of the rainbow. Also, I know you can't really see the purple in the rainbow, but just know it's there and contributing to my list of purple things this week. 
Also, it snowed the morning after this glorious rainbow. Shoulda known. Thanks a lot Mother Nature. 

Day 102 of 365...(Today)

I would like to dedicate this photo to my dear friend Erin, who only likes the purple Starburst Jellybeans :) 

Update-the science lesson went really well on Wednesday! Hooray! Now we have one more group lesson on Monday, and then I teach all by myself next Wednesday--Yikes! It should be okay though, and a little nervousness isn't all bad...right? 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Random Purple Things 99&100/365

WHOA! 100 photos already!?! I need to start writing these things down--in my planner, of course--so that maybe I'll take a super sweet photo on such occasions (like the 100th photo), and not be a lame-o and realize when I'm writing the post at 11:30pm that I should have taken a super sweet photo, but didn't.  Ah well, there's always day 200, and 300, and don't forget the big one: 365!

Anyway, I've continued my hunt for purple this week, and have so far succeeded! 5 purple-filled days left to go.

Day 99 of 365...(Mon. 4/11) I own a lot of purple. It's kind of disgusting. (Also, I'm not trying to pimp any brands here.)  But these are just a few more of my purple things, and I use them daily, so why not take a photo of them! 

Day 100 of 365...(today)

Not that I'm a big crocheter (apparently that's a word) but I do like to dabble from time to time :) and of course I have (okay, Andy and I have) purple crochet hooks and yarn. I mean, don't you?

My science group teaches our pre-assessment "lesson" tomorrow morning! We observed the class on Wednesday, and I have to say we lucked out--there's only 19 students and they're so well behaved! I could hardly believe it--I can only hope they're as well behaved for us as they are for their regular teacher... it should be an interesting, but fun, quarter of practicum. I can't wait for the gems they come up with... 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ballet, Bows and...Purple 96, 97 & 98/365

Okay, I have a pretty good excuse for not posting until tonight--I went home this weekend! (Alright, I admit I could have posted on Friday but I was being really lazy...) It's always nice to go home--I'm glad I chose a school close enough to home.

Also, I'm going to start another themed week! Woohoo! And, if you haven't guessed from the title of this post, it's going to be purple. Why purple? Because I love purple :) and you should too.

Day 96 of 365...(Fri. 4/8)

On Friday my sissy (isn't she pretty?) and I went to see the Pacific Northwest Ballet performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and it was so much fun! Except for getting a little lost on the way down...typical, even with a GPS! But we made it, and with time to grab some Pho for dinner, ohh yum. 

Day 97 of 365...(Sat. 4/9)

This is my best friend's old sister--the one I'm a bridesmaid for!--and her 25th birthday was on Thursday, so we went out to celebrate on Saturday night.  Always fun--plus it was a good excuse to wear my big bow :) 

Day 98 of 365...(today)

I think but the end of this week, you'll be disgusted by the amount of purple I have. It's kind of overwhelming. To start...a purple desk chair, pencil pouch, pencil, and striped glasses case (my glasses are also purple). Notice that the pouch and the chair are basically the same color! Sweet coordination. 

Tomorrow is my first day at the school for my science practicum! We're just doing an observation, so it's not super stressful, but Wednesday will be our first day of teaching (kind of, it's a pre-assessment)-still exciting!
I'm sure I'll have tons of gems from the kiddos when we get into teaching--especially doing science!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Glitter Eggs 95/365

Tonight Maddie, Zachary, and I dyed Easter eggs. And not just any kind of dye...we GLITTER dyed these babies. Oh yes. I never even knew this was possible--how did I not know this?!

Day 95 of 365...

The top one is mine, the bottom three are a couple of the kiddos' eggs. The glitter is pretty much amazing.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Signs of Spring 93 & 94/365's trying to be Spring!  The flowers and the trees know that it's supposed to be...but the weather hasn't quite caught on yet..I wish it would! At least there are signs of hope though.

Day 93 of 365... (Tues. 4/5)

You can learn a lot of things from the flowers...

Day 94 of 365... the golden afternoon...

If you know where that comes from...10 bonus points.

By the way, remember that English class about Utopias/Dystopias I told you about? Yeah. Not. A. Fan.  Why do I take these strange classes?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Good Fortune 92/365

By now you already know how much I love Chinese food, and particularly the fortune cookies that accompany it. Well, tonight my Andy and I got picked up some Chinese for dinner and I got a particularly nice fortune, so I thought I'd share :)

Day 92 of 365...

I especially liked this one because it's been pouring lately! Gimme some sunshine already! Ahh well...that's the PNW for you. 

So I know that yesterday I claimed to be some kind of Betty Crocker...but let's be serious here, I am not ready to take on Chinese food.  Besides, nobody does Chinese food like the Chinese do ;) 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

King Spiderman Zachary 91/365

Well, the title of this post pretty much says it all... Zach likes to name himself after superheros. Sometimes it's "Spiderman Zachary" and sometimes it's "Batman Zachary" and on other occasions it's "Superman Zachary"... did I mention that this kid loves his superheros?

Day 91 of 365...

He was wearing a neck-pillow on his head and walking around saying, "I'm King Spiderman Zachary!" --When I told him to stand still for a picture, this is the face he made. Nice, Zach. 

Are you proud of me for posting this tonight? 
Good ;)

Call Me "Betty" 87, 88, 89 & 90/365

I just want to publicly say "I'm sorry" to my dear friend Erin for not posting for five days in a row (again), I kind of suck at this blogging business ;) but I promise I'll try harder.

I have been trying harder to take more pictures at least! One step at a time...? Sure. Here's the rest of the photos from my first week of Spring Quarter 2011:

Day 87 of 365...(Wed. 3/30)

You can just start calling me Betty Crocker, because I've been cookin' up a storm this week (with the help of Chef Boy Andy)--This golden wonder is banana bread, and this was my first time making it! It turned out pretty good, I think we baked it a little too long but oh still tastes good! 

Day 88 of 365...(Thurs. 3/31)

My first day back with the kiddos! Zach has been on a singing trip lately, it's hilarious. 
Please notice that Maddie is turning the volume down... :)

Day 89 of 365...(Fri. 1/1)

April Fools.

Day 90 of 365...(Sat. 1/2)

Thank you, Pioneer Woman, for all of your amazing (and easy) recipes. And thank you, Mom, for introducing me to the wonderful world of The Pioneer Woman. 
This is called Crispy Yogurt Chicken--kind of like fried chicken, but baked--amazing
The potatoes are called Restaurant-Style Smashed Potatoes, also amazing.
And bread...duh.

Like I said...Betty Crocker. 
I'll post the photo from today (Sunday) after I take it... so later tonight...or tomorrow.