Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tie-Dye Cupcakes! 139, 140, 141, 142 & 143/365

I'm going to keep this short...ish...and sweet tonight, because I'm tired and a little cranky but I was feeling guilty for not posting, so here it is.

Day 139 of 365...(Fri. 5/20)

Finally time for flip flops :)

Day 140 of 365...(Sat. 5/21)

The batter for tie-dye cupcakes...neon food coloring! 

Day 141 of 365...(Sun. 5/22)

Groovy baby, yeah.

Day 142 of 365...(Mon. 5/23)

Monday was My Andy's 22nd birthday--happy birthday my love!
We went to dinner at Anthony's, always amazing!

Day 143 of 365...(Today!)

Maddie and I colored Hello Kitty coloring books today...I had to color the beach scene because I just can't wait for Hawaii!! (23 days!!)

Well, we're finally down to the last weeks of the quarter...the best and worst weeks of the year; so much work, and so little motivation to do it all...and so little time! Next week is going to be a killer...especially because Andy and I are going camping this weekend for Memorial Day, so my chances of doing hw are slim to none. Ahh well... ce la vie. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bubbles and Sunshine and the Best Salad EVER 132-138/365

This week, the sun came out for real--oh happy day :) however, it does make it extra hard to find the motivation to go to class! 
And I think I got some of my photos mixed up..but they're there regardless, and I have to say, I really like some of these! 

Day 132 of 365...(Sat. 5/14)

We cleaned the playroom on Saturday! Okay, well, I cleaned the playroom...but doesn't it look great?

 Day 133 of 365...(Sun. 5/15)

Sunday Snuggie. 

Day 135 of 365...(Mon. 5/16)


Day 136 of 365...(Tues. 5/17)

Bubbles :)

Day 137 of 365...(Wed. 5/18)

The. Best. Salad. EVER.
Okay, the best salad I've ever eaten at least...oh yum
Romain, cucumber, pear, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, and rotisserie chicken. 
And a piece of bread, of course. 
Go make it, and then thank me later. 

Day 138 of 365...(Today)

Instagram pic ;)
Miss Maddie enjoying a popsicle in the sunshine today. 

27 days left on the Hawaii countdown! 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Candy Monster 127, 128, 129, 130, 131/365

Well, good news: I had my internship interview yesterday and it went really well! As long as she accepts me too, I'll be working with her next year and I'm really excited! :)  I think that's my biggest piece of news this week...not much else going on.  I am getting so antsy to go to Hawaii next month! 33 days from today, let the countdown begin! 

Day 127 of 365...(Mon. 5/9)

A piece of my Andy's artwork-he's so talented :)

Day 128 of 365...(Tues. 5/10)

And another...I don't think I'll need to buy artwork ever again (not that I did before).

 Day 129 of 365...(Wed. 5/11)

Grey, rainy day...one of the gloomiest we've had in a while.  Spring is not shaping up like I was hoping!

Day 130 of 365...(Thurs. 5/12)

Swinging in the sun...

Day 131 of 365...(Fri. 5/13)

Mmm...candy...I think this should be enough to last a through the night ;)
Okay, this isn't all mine, half of it is Andy's! 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day! 126/365

I think I need to take this post to say a very special Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful, wonderful and amazing Momma! 

Day 126 of 365...

I love you Momma! 
Thank you for everything you do--I don't know what I'd do or where I'd be without you! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

6-Day(epic)-Fail... 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, & 125/365

Okay, I really don't know what was going on this week, but it was weird and somehow I ended up missing 6 DAYS of posts! I'm officially the worst blogger...ever. I admit it; I'm guilty.  But I'm pretty sure (like I said, weird week) that I took at least one picture every day, so it's not a total fail.  However, I should warn you, these are probably some of the lamest pictures I've taken, so...at least you've been warned. Don't judge me.

Day 120 of 365...(Mon. 5/2)

I StumbledUpon this quote, and for some reason it really struck me...
so I wrote it on a sticky note (or 2) and stuck it to my mirror :) 

Day 121 of 365...(Tues. 5/3)

Tuesday night I was getting ready for my science lesson on Wednesday--we built "spinners" (tops) that looked like this, and they were actually really fun! I know it looks lame in the photo, but they're really quite entertaining. To an elementary school student... or teacher ;)

Day 122 of 365...(Wed. 5/4)

These boots are made for walkin'...
love my cowboy boots. 

Day 123 of 365...(Thurs. 5/5)

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Mmmm tacos...
and Corona ;)

Day 124 of 365...(Fri. 5/6)

This is hanging in 'my' room at my parents house...
my sissy did it, and it always makes me happy and reminds me that I'm home. 

Day 125 of 365...(Sat. 5/7)

This is one of my baby brothers, Brayden, and I realized the other day that I have like 2 pictures of him, and 0 of him and me...so I made him sit down and snap a couple :) 

I love the weekends that I can come home and just hang out with my family--it's always a nice little break from school (even though I should usually be doing hw while I'm here, I rarely actually do).  And I would just like to say (a little early) "Happy Mother's Day!" and "Thank You!" to all of the amazing women out there :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sweet Sunshine 118 & 119/365

It finally started acting like Spring this weekend! Woohoooo! It's about time, too.  Unfortunately, it's not supposed to stay...rain all week instead. Bummer.  Well, at least I got to enjoy it a bit without classes getting in the way (although, homework did...) Also, hooray for May! 

Day 118 of 365...(Sat. 4/30)

More pretty tulips in front of mi casa :) 
and some pretty purple...flowers...too!

Day 119 of 365...(May Day) 

Mmm...sunshine means many things...and BBQ is always one of those things :)
Yummm (don't mind the odd-looking burger patty) these were so de-eeee-lic-iousss...I had two of 'em! 

And I'm really, really wishing/hoping/crossing my fingers that the sun keeps shining this week--I'm so tired of the rain! And I want more BBQ...mmm...