Okay, I really don't know what was going on this week, but it was weird and somehow I ended up missing
6 DAYS of posts! I'm officially the worst blogger...ever. I admit it; I'm guilty. But I'm pretty sure (like I said, weird week) that I took at least one picture every day, so it's not a
total fail. However, I should warn you, these are probably some of the lamest pictures I've taken, so...at least you've been warned. Don't judge me.
Day 120 of 365...(Mon. 5/2)
I StumbledUpon this quote, and for some reason it really struck me...
so I wrote it on a sticky note (or 2) and stuck it to my mirror :)
Day 121 of 365...(Tues. 5/3)
Tuesday night I was getting ready for my science lesson on Wednesday--we built "spinners" (tops) that looked like this, and they were actually really fun! I know it looks lame in the photo, but they're really quite entertaining. To an elementary school student... or teacher ;)
Day 122 of 365...(Wed. 5/4)
These boots are made for walkin'...
love my cowboy boots.
Day 123 of 365...(Thurs. 5/5)
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Mmmm tacos...
and Corona ;)
Day 124 of 365...(Fri. 5/6)
This is hanging in 'my' room at my parents house...
my sissy did it, and it always makes me happy and reminds me that I'm home.
Day 125 of 365...(Sat. 5/7)
This is one of my baby brothers, Brayden, and I realized the other day that I have like 2 pictures of him, and 0 of him and me...so I made him sit down and snap a couple :)
I love the weekends that I can come home and just hang out with my family--it's always a nice little break from school (even though I should usually be doing hw while I'm here, I rarely actually do). And I would just like to say (a little early) "Happy Mother's Day!" and "Thank You!" to all of the amazing women out there :)