Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh, Sweet Freedom 71, 72, 73/365

Ahh...finally...winter quarter is over!!!  I. am. so. relieved.
And I have no excuse for not posting last night, I was just being lazy, sorry :\  But now I have lots of free time (at least for a week) so (hopefully) I'll get my act together and start posting every day again--I was doing so well for a while!

Day 71 of 365...(Sun. 3/13)

It was super windy on Sunday night and this tree looked like it was about to snap off! 
(Right on top of my car!)

Day 72 of 365...(Mon. 3/14)

Andy and I went to Red Robin for dinner on Monday because I finished (and aced) my math final! 
Woohoo! It was so gooood--I always love Red Robin (yummm

Day 73 of 365...(Tues. 3/15)

With some of my newfound free time, Andy and I crocheted a little! This is the very first hat I've ever made, (not that you can tell it's a hat in this photo) and it actually turned out alright!
New hobby?
(Ha. Who has time for a hobby?)

I'm so happy to have a week free of school--I do kind of wish I was going somewhere nice tho! However, I am excited to go home :)

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