Sunday, August 28, 2011

Goodbye August - 214-240/365 (ouch)

Oh hey, let me just suck a little more at this and miss basically the entire month of August. Sweet blogging skills, Camille.
So, here it is: August in photos.
Also, I still suck at taking photos every there may be a photo for every day, but it may be a lie. Hey, I told you I'm a terrible blogger.

Day 214 of 365 (8/2)
Gram on her iPhone...hilarious to watch.

Day 215 of 365 (8/3)
My Andy :)

Day 216 of 365 (8/4)
Waiting for the Blue Angels!

Day 217 of 365 (8/5)
On the bridge, waiting to watch the Blue Angels. 

Day 218 of 365 (8/6)
Chelan, day 1.

Day 219 of 365 (8/7)
Hard Row to Hoe winery - wine tasting.

Day 220 of 365 (8/8)
Tildio Winery - this garden smelled so good!

Day 221 of 365 (8/9)
On the dock.

Day 222 of 365 (8/10)
Hey, sunshine :)

Day 223 of 365 (8/11)

Ever the serious (mini) golfer :)

Day 224 of 365 (8/12)

Waves and toes and bikinis.

Day 225 of 365 (8/13)
Bonfire at Golden Gardens.

Day 226 of 365 (8/14)
Richmond Beach.

Day 227 of 365 (8/15)
A proper picnic!

Day 228 of 365 (8/16)
Picnic-ing at the beach with my sissy and my love.

Day 229 of 365 (8/17)
My special darlings...

Day 230 of 365 (8/18)
Sweet fort.

Day 231 of 365 (8/19)
I'm a sucker for sunsets.

Day 232 of 365 (8/20)
Baby brother Shane, rockin' out at Andy's house.

Day 233 of 365 (8/21)
Back to school in the new apartment!

Day 234 of 365 (8/22)
Bedroom...we're getting there! Struggling with the closet space...recall my previous closet that was the size of a small office space...

Day 235 of 365 (8/23)
My student teaching classroom!!

Day 236 of 365 (8/24)
Intern projects :)

Day 237 of 365 (8/25)
Another project.

Day 238 of 365 (8/26)
I totally stapled that fabric, boarder and all of those letters. 
I am intern, hear me staple. 

Day 239 of 365 (8/27)
Bachelorette partyy!!

Day 240 of 365 (8/28)
Sneaking a pic with the bride-to-be!

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