Monday, August 1, 2011

Lazy (and mostly grey) Summer Days - 201-213/365

Finally, sunshine! We've had a few good ones over the last 2 weeks, but they're few and far between...usually not more than 2 days in a row of real sunshine. It's getting depressing, and makes me super unmotivated to take photos. Soo my plan to be better at blogging this summer is ultimately failing. Ahh well...this whole photo-a-day thing is a lot harder than I thought it would be!

Day 201 of 365 (Wed. July 20)

Yard work at myAndy's dad's place--okay I didn't do this beautiful garden, but I helped weed!

Day 202 of 365 (Thurs. July 21)

Reupholstered my picnic basket; time for a real picnic!

Day 203 of 365 (Fri. July 22)

Yeah, pulled this bad boy out of the ground (again at A's dad's) weighed about as much as I do!

Day 204 of 365 (Sat. July 23)

Bridal shower games! Guess who won the TP wedding dress competition?
Yours truly :)

Day 205 of 365 (Sun. July 24)

Ok, didn't take a photo on this day...these were from the bridal shower--homemade cake pops! Amazing!

Day 206 of 365 (Mon. July 25)

Forgot to take a photo again...that's the bride on my right and my BFF (the MOH) on my left!

Day 207 of 365 (Tues. July 26)

Ooooh glitter!

Day 208 of 365 (Wed. July 27)

Grilled chicken with lemon basil pasta. Oh. Yum. Thank you Pioneer Woman!

Day 209 of 365 (Thurs. July 28)

Sunshine, Diet Coke, iPod, purple shades and towel...hellooo summerr. 

Day 210 of 365 (Fri. July 29)

Look, ma! I'm crafty! 
Painted these stripes myself--front and back! 

Day 211 of 365 (Sat. July 30) 

Now that is a plate of fries! At the Scottish Highland Games with know, just gettin' my Celtic on...

Day 212 of 365 (Sun. July 31)

Cheetah nails. Rawr. 
Idea/technique courtesy of one of my new fave websites: HelloGiggles!

Day 213 of 365 (Mon. Aug. 1)

Glitterazzi part deuce! Bridesmaid shoes--can't wait for the wedding in September!

Going to Chelan this weekend for a whole week with myAndy and his excited for some 80-90 degree weather and floating in the lake aaaalllll daayyy longg. I need another vacation before I get back to the school grind. 

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