Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nursery Fun 30/365

Since I was home this weekend I went to church with my fam today, and of course I was in the nursery with my mom (where else would I be?!). I just love the little kiddos--you'll probably hear (or is it 'see'?) me say that a million times on this blog ;)  This little darling is part of my extended family, and she is absolutely hilarious.  At 2 years old she will already talk your ear off!
Day 30 of 365...

This is Charlotte with a bucket on her head :)
This girl also loves being photographed--as soon as I pulled out my camera today she said, "Cheese!!" 
haha I love this kid. 

Just a short post tonight--still doing hw for my 8 am, yuck. 
But this was a nice study break. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

People and Their Pets 29/365

Something that never fails to leave me awestruck/confused/dumbfounded is the way people treat their pets... I mean,  I totally get that they are family too and everything, but some people take it too far if you ask me. 
I bet the stroller cost about as much as the dog.  
Day 29 of 365...

Caught this little crew at the T-Mobile store this evening, an older couple and their sweet little pup...
in a dog stroller nonetheless. I just couldn't resist taking the picture--which is kind of crappy quality because I was trying to be sneaky/not totally awkward but I think the man saw me anyway, oh well. 

That being said...I want a puppy!! 
Well, okay, I really like the idea of a puppy...but I think a real live puppy will have to wait for now--just another extra thing when school is already sucking my soul.
Maybe a kitty though, they're less work...right? ;)

Tonight I saw Country Strong with my mom and my sister, and it was really good! I'm not exactly a country music fan, I don't hate it but I don't love it either, but this movie was so good it didn't even matter, I definitely recommend it! (Unless you absolutely cannot stand country music of course).  

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Plate Says It All 28/365

I love when people personalize their license plates. I think it's hilarious, and I'm always super excited if I can actually get a picture of it! On my way to go nanny this evening, I caught this little gem:
I think it fit perfectly.
Day 28 of 365...

Of course you would see a Ford with the license plate "MTN MN" driving around Western Washington.
I probably looked like a creep busting out my camera while at a stoplight during "rush hour" (compared to a real city, this is nothing) but I don't care, I just can't help myself!

I'm going home to the 'rents tomorrow morning to stay for a night and I have been looking forward to it, so I'm pretty stoked! It's always a nice little break. Except I do hate to leave my Andy when I just got him back, but I had planned to go home when he was still planning to be in Colorado this weekend--which he's obviously not anymore--but that's okay, I have plenty of time with this guy ;) 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sidetracked 26/365 & 27/365

So...I got a little sidetracked last night and didn't get around to posting...Andy and I went to visit my dear Erin (with the purple toes) at Scotty Browns, where she's a slave waitress. Such a cute place, we'll definitely have to go back--the food was delicious too! 
Day 26 of 365...

Erin wrapped my leftovers up with love :) 
I got the Hollywood Burger - basically just a cheese burger, but I substituted avocado for the tomatoes (of course) and it was so good. 

And today... we got sidetracked in my English class by this amazing sunset! My prof literally stopped us and told us to look out the window, so naturally I got up and took a photo. 
Day 27 of 365...

After this it turned even more magenta--so pretty! 
The sky right now is pretty crazy too, it's super foggy and the sky kind of purple. 
Almost looks like snow...but I'm really hoping that's not the case...

I know it's silly, but I was so bummed this week because Glee and Grey's were both reruns! They're the only two shows left that I watch religiously, so I look forward to them and then it's no fun when there isn't a new episode. Ahh the little things. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spread the Love 25/365

My Andy is home!!!!! You don't even understand how elated I am. 10 days is WAY too long! is always a special day because it's my mom's birthday! *Happy Birthday Momma!*
So I'm spreading the love, and apparently so are people at Western :)
Day 25 of 365...

love finds you.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Set in Stone 24/365

I've walked past this corner of the sidewalk at the end of my street hundreds, probably millions, of times and I'm still not quite sure what it means...And I always wonder who wrote it?
Day 24 of 365...

"Come To The Abby"
What's 'the abby'?
Where is it?
Who wrote this?!
When did they write it?

So many questions, and I doubt a single one will ever be answered! 
But that's okay, I can always wonder.

Update: The practicum went really well today! I didn't get lost (hooray!) and the read aloud went really well--my partner is a talker! He's in first grade and quite hilarious, I think it will be a lot of fun working with him and I'm pretty excited! (Such a teacher...)

Also, I got a message from Andy today (finally)--he called while I was in class--so at least I know he's alive.  He said he was heading home tonight though, so I'm hoping to hear from him again soon...but mostly I'm hoping to see him soon!! I'm going a little crazy ;)

And I'll leave you with a little gem from Maddie tonight:
In regards to why you shouldn't drink something that has a skull-and-crossbones on it, she says: "because it's only for pirates; only pirates can drink that kind of juice."   :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fortune 23/365

So, if you didn't know, I love Asian food and I especially love fortune cookies :)  I end up with a lot of fortunes, and I've been trying to keep better track of them lately so that I can collect them.  Andy wants to put them all in a collage in a frame, and what better way to save your fortunes? But, we need to keep collecting, here is my collection so far...
Day 23 of 365...

9 fortunes and counting! I have a couple pretty good ones in there favorite is: "You have a fine capacity for the enjoyment of life" - it's just nice :) 

8 am class tomorrow and it's the first day of our practicum! (That's where instead of going to class, we go out to an elementary school and teach lessons or work with kids one on one, etc...) Always exciting, and always nerve-wracking! For one thing, I'm horrible at directions and even though I've been there once, the probability of me getting lost is still pretty high. It's sad really, even with a GPS I still get lost!  And I'm hoping my read aloud goes well - this quarter we're working with individual kids rather than the whole class, so it's slightly less stressful - I'm not sure the story has much of a point, but I'm trying to make one out of it so we'll see how it goes...luckily it isn't graded! That's a first...

Also, Andy is still in Montana - they're supposed to be leaving tomorrow, but I haven't heard from him since Friday night so who knows. I'm hoping he's okay and just fell asleep early last night or something, since he didn't call (which I was very sad about).  Crossing my fingers he calls tonight and is coming home tomorrow! 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Play Dough 22/2011

Ahh Play many possibilities, so much fun! This is partly what my afternoon consisted of while tending the kiddos today, tough job, I know.
Day 22 of 365...

This is my Play Dough butterfly...I know I'm quite the wizard with the Dough, so don't get upset if you can't create something of this caliber just yet... ;)
One of the best parts of my job: getting to do sweet arts and crafts and play with Play Dough.
I'm hoping those parts carry over into teaching later...I'm sure I can find a way to make them!

Another exciting night in Bellingham, consisting of homework and watching Easy A with the roommates.  They weren't too impressed, but I've seen it a couple times and liked it each time! Oh well, to each their own. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sanctuary 21/365

Tonight as I was trying to think of an interesting photo to about 11 pm no less...I thought, where do I spent a lot of time that I haven't photographed yet? Ah yes, my bedroom, my sanctuary.
Day 21 of 365...

I am so proud of this wall :) 
I spent so much time finding and painting frames, 
finding pictures to go in the frames, 
and arranging and rearranging...and rearranging again...
for hours and hours. All for one wall, but I love it!

The big painting on the right is one that Andy did for me two Christmases ago, love it. It says, "Intoxicated by the madness of our love" (which is from a poem by Rumi).

And another exciting Friday night for me--I tended the children for a couple of hours, came home and hung out with the ladies for a little bit and now I'm watching Never Been Kissed in my old am I again?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What's in the Bag? 20/365

Today I was stressing a little bit about what I was going to take a photo of, I've been trying to be more creative lately--more "artsy" if you will--with my photos but it hasn't been going very well.  I find myself scrambling to take a picture of something, anything really, at the end of the night (this quarter is truly soul-sucking).
Luckily, the internet is a vast sea of wonderful and bizarre things to StumbleUpon ;)
Day 20 of 365...

I StumbledUpon a website tonight that had a bunch of pairs of pictures, one was a portrait of a person, and the other was a photo of the contents of their bag laid out like so.  I thought it was pretty cool, so I decided to use the idea for today's photo!  
That's my.. planner, keys, wallet, camera case, glasses case, iPod, cell phone, lip gloss, heart pouch full of odds and ends, basically my life...and people wonder why I carry such a big bag! ;)
I considered emptying the contents of the heart pouch, but that would have been too much--I like this much better.

Andy has been since Monday, with no cell phone service and only sporadic WiFi on his iPhone, and I miss him a lot.  It's been a long week, but no class tomorrow! 

Late Night Pedi 19/365

Last night my good friend Erin came over to do 'pedicures' and chit chat for a little while--much needed after a long day! I'm so glad I have friends like this girl :)  Day 19 of 365...

Erin's toes are purple, mine are pink--such girls! 
Sometimes you just need a little "me" time, even if it is at 10:00 at night on a Wednesday ;)

I will post again later tonight with my photo for today (which still needs to be taken...good thing it's only noon!). 

Technology FAIL!

So... I had a great post all typed out and ready to go, just needed to add the picture and publish; but of course, technology fails me yet again and the Blogger photo up-loader refuses to load my picture! I've been trying for literally 20 minutes and nothing, just those stupid spinning circles--they're almost as bad as the spinning wheels of death on macs. And now it's after midnight and I have class tomorrow morning, so I will re-attempt to post again tomorrow!

But, at least I took the photo and tried really hard to get it posted on time tonight! A for effort?

Crossing my fingers that it works tomorrow :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Campus Life 18/365

Ahh...18 credits means being on campus at random and varied hours...luckily, our campus happens to look a little like Hogwarts when it's dark ;)
Day 18 of 365...

I was surprised by how well this actually turned out! Usually I can't hold the camera steady enough to get a good picture in the dark, but I did pretty good this time :) 

You know, as much as I've enjoyed my time in college so far, I have to admit I'm about ready to be done... after a while school just feels like it's sucking your soul (or maybe that's only the education program...).  Ah well, only the rest of this year and then (hopefully) I'll be starting my internship in the fall! I can see the light... 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rainbow 17/365

This rainbow was so beautiful and vibrant! You can also kind of see the second rainbow above it, but it's very faint--we get some great rainbows around here!  Day 17 of 365...

They disappeared pretty quickly so I'm glad I got a picture--I was nannying at the time and took the kids out to see it, they were so intrigued! 

I do love rainbows, it's hard not to smile when you see one-especially one like this! I wish I could have zoomed way in on the colors and gotten the intensity of them, but rainbows are not easy to photograph. 

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Fight to Write 16/365

I've been doing a lot of homework today, which includes reading and writing about teaching reading and writing in elementary school; which probably makes some of you want to die, but it's actually some of the more interesting homework I've had lately (although parts of it are dry enough to make your eyes bleed).

This is my 'writer's notebook' - Day 16 of 365...

Ok, so there's probably a billion other pictures like this, but I like the way it looks and I like that this is my writing :)

Today was a bit of a melancholy day for me-my roommates are still gone, and this afternoon my Andy left to go to Montana to snowboard for a week-so I've been home alone, doing homework and watching too many movies to count.  Luckily, Sundays are prime days for movies on t.v..

Also, I am so glad there's no class tomorrow! I always love being able to sleep in, and I'm nannying all afternoon which is always an adventure. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Little Cheerful 15/365

My Andy, the sweet man that he is, took me to breakfast this morning at our favorite place to go for such a meal...Little Cheerful! Oh.My.Gooooodness! This place has all the basic, and then some, breakfast you could ever ask for.  Andy got one of the specials today, a freshly invented "breakfast club sandwich"...
Day 15 of 365...

Three pieces of French toast, bacon, eggs, cheese, and ham...oh yumm, I had a few bites ;) obviously very messy-but so worth it. 
(Side note: it seems my camera date stamp is a day off, I did take this today!)

And this was mine (half-eaten, of course, by the time I thought about taking a picture)

Classic Eggs Benedict, with a side of "pimped" hash browns. 

"What are "pimped" hash browns?" some of you might be asking, well, they are Little Cheerful's crowning achievement, basically. They have about 8-10 different ways you can "pimp your browns" by having an assortment of veggies, cheeses, meats, etc...added.  (You can also "pimp your cakes" and add just about anything to your pancakes.) 
This time I pimped my browns Mediterranean-style--feta, olives, spinach, mushrooms...and probably other things but I have to stop talking about it now because it's making me hungry!

I love Little Cheerful. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Night Fun 14/365

So, instead of going to Whistler and partying it up with my roommates, this is how I spent my Friday night...Day 14 of 365 (Hooray! I made it 2 full weeks!)

Building foam airplanes (from JoAnn's) with the children; they love little projects, so I get to go to the craft store and pick them out--it can get dangerous! If you know me, you know that I love craft stores...especially Michael's...I'm such a teacher ;) 

Also, I have to post this one of Maddie...this kid cracks me up.

A little gem from the kiddos tonight: 
Maddie: "I have to poop!"
Me: "Okay, go quick!"
Zach: "Before you die!"

Ahahahaa I love kids.

Books, Books, Books 13/365

Dang! I missed Thursday by about 10 minutes! Homework...yikes. I need to be more on top of things. My plan is to get caught up this weekend...instead of going to Whistler with my roommates :( is part of the reason for my homework load...children's books! (Which I love and adore, and they're the only thing--besides, you know, necessities--I don't feel bad buying).

I'll be spending lots of time with these throughout my life :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Taekwondo Class 12/365

Today I got to go to Taekwondo class with the kids I nanny for the second time; I told Zach to "strike a pose" and he went through a series of about 5 in the time it took me to snap a picture :)  day 12 of 365...

He had some pretty excellent poses, but he was too fast! So this is what I got, very Zachary though. 
These kiddos are too cute, Maddie doesn't do Taekwondo so we hang out and watch, and color, and write, and learn not to talk to strangers :) 

On another note, all of the snow is pretty much gone! It snowed a couple of inches last night, but then it all got rained away this morning--I don't mind, it's much easier to walk and drive in slush.  My snowboarder, Andy, however, is still wishing for more snow (always). 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rough Day in Math Class 11/365

Hooray for Elementary Ed. math class... day 11 of 365...

I love manipulatives!! This took up a lot of my class time today...all of the soon-to-be teachers in my class played with them like we were 2nd graders.  At least we know what we're getting ourselves into! 

Still hoping class is cancelled tomorrow...It's supposed to snow tonight but we'll see! 
I would be so so happy to not have 8 a.m. class!

Monday, January 10, 2011

These Boots 10/365

These boots are made for walkin' the snow! Love my Sorels from Andy :) Day 10 of 365...

They've kept me so warm in the snow! Especially wonderful while walking on campus...yuck. I'm hoping school gets cancelled for at least one day! It's supposed to snow more this week, so we'll see...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Double Time 8/365 & 9/365 I don't really have a very good excuse for not posting yesterday, other than I was being lazy and put it off until the end of the night... and I then fell asleep watching a movie, whoops! But I did take a picture, so it still counts ;)

Back to school means take-out and homework...and movies on Saturday nights.  Day 8 of 365...

Yumm...Yellow Curry with chicken and brown rice from On Rice :) aaand reading for my El.Ed. literacy class, super fun. 

 This is what I woke up to today! Lots of snow and it's sooo cold!  Day 9 of 365...

Good thing I got a new pair of boots from Andy for my birthday, they'll be getting lots of use this year! I don't really mind the snow...I just don't like going to school in it, or driving it in, or going outside in it...

8am class should be interesting tomorrow...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Roommate Love 7/365

Oh, I do love these girls...I really couldn't ask for better roommates :) we're going out tonight to celebrate the 4 out of 5 birthdays that were in December: Dec. 8 (Jilian, 16(me), 25(Anne), and 30(Bri) - Happy birthday ladies!!

From left to right... Annie, Jilian, me, Briana, and Anne.. <3 BitchNasty (that's what we call our house...don't ask). Also, even though you can't see them, I'm wearing my glitterazzi shoes :) lovelovelove!

And now...we're going dancing!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gray Day 6/365

Day three of school and I'm already tired! Day 6 of was a very gray day (typical NW January)

When I took this, the camera was vertical but I kinda like how it looks horizontally. It also looks like I took it in black & white, but I didn't, it was just that gray today. 

No class tomorrow, woo hoo! I'm going to bed early tonight, I'm exhausted and I'll be glad to not hear an alarm in the morning. This quarter might just do me in...lots of projects, lesson plans, and reading--I had to buy 10 books!! I'm determined to get a head start tomorrow and this weekend, we'll see... 

Glitterazzi 5/365

[Blogger wouldn't let me post last night! The 'New Post' page wasn't loading...I even tried it on Andy's computer but still, no go. So this is half a day late, but it wasn't for lack of trying! :) ]


Hooray for glittery shoes!!! I FINALLY got them, and I looooove could you not?!

More of these bad boys to come! 

I'll post a new one for today (6/365) later on tonight so I'm all caught up :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to School 4/365

Winter Quarter started today...back on the school grind: day 4 of 365

That's not even all of my books! I'm still waiting for 2 to come in the mail, and I need to buy 3 more...yikes. 18 credits, here I come! 

Funny story... I woke up at 9:26 for my 10:00 class today, and I made it on time! Also, I have class at 8 am tomorrow; 8 am classes are not my friend. 

Must sleep, hopefully I hear my alarm tomorrow! 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Light Weight? 3/365

Day 3 of 365...back to the Ham

Ahh back to reality. Back to school tomorrow and lots of unpacking to do, yuck. This is the load I came back with today, it just about filled up my little Acura! My gram used to call her "Princess Pick-Up" - Love it! 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Riding in My Car" - 2/365

Day 2 of daddy working hard in the nursery at church today ;) 

My parents are in charge of the 2-3 year-old nursery at church, so when I come home and go to church with them I naturally end up hanging out in the nursery (the kids are way too adorable not to!)  I was going to put a picture of one of the kids, but I didn't think their parents would appreciate that very I opted for this one of my dear ol' dad :) he's a funny one.  He was singing something about "riding in my car," hence the name of this post.  Hope you got a good giggle out of it!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! 1/365

Happy New Year everyone! And helloooo 2011! I hope everyone had a festive and safe NYE!
At the last minute I ended up heading to Bellingham to spend the night with my Andy and some friends-my wonderful parents actually drove me up so I didn't have to go alone :) Thanks mom and dad! Though the night didn't turn out as I had originally planned I did have a good time, we rang in the new year at Bob's Burgers & Brews where my darling friend Megan was working in the bar. (Poor girl! Lucky for us though!) And then it was back down to Seattle this afternoon for another couple nights with the fam before winter quarter starts on Tuesday.
And now it's time to begin my 2011 resolution! I am determined to keep up on this photo blog! So here is image 1 of 365:

I thought this was a pretty cool one...these ice crystals were on Andy's windshield when we were leaving Bham today and I just had to snap a picture because they're so pretty! Kind of hard to see...but I like it and I hope you do too!

Happy 2011!! What a wonderful year this will be!